XDAS Detection Electronics
XDAS X-ray data acquisition electronics provides the most flexible way of creating X-ray sensor arrays which are read out digitally at high speed.

XDAS highlights
- Front end gain for one sample of up to 60pC
- Industry’s fastest minimum scan time of 42.7µs
- Programmable dynamic range from 1.25pC to 60pC
- 2 and 4 sub-samples possible for optimum SNR
- Single and dual energy versions with independent control
- Widest choice of detector types in stock for 5keV to 1.4MeV
- 0.4mm, 0.8mm, 1.6mm, 2.5mm and larger pitch options
- New 1.0mm 2D also now available in single and dual energy”

Dual Energy Systems
Processor interfaces:
• USB2 (max cable length 5m)
• GIGE (max cable length 100m, this can be extended to >1km with fibre optic link)
• PCI7300A via SCSI (max cable length 50m)
• Camera Link. (max cable length 10m)
Power supply requirements:
• 9V to 30V for V3 standard series
• 4.9V to 5.5V for V3-9000 series
Environmental specification:
• Temperature (operating) 0°C to +60°C
• Humidity (non-condensing) 93% at 30°C
• Pressure for transportation, withstands pressure reductions from 100kPa (1 bar) to 68kPa (0.68 bar)
Control signals:
Scan time, number of sub-samples and detector head board gain is controlled from the processor. An external trigger input (nScan) is also provided if required.
Users will be required to use their independent software applications to provide system control, data acquisition and image processing. To assist in this task a XAPI is available. Standard software is supplied to permit basic operation and evaluation of the system. The software enables single lines of data to be acquired and stored, data acquisition time to be set, and offset and gain correction to be applied.
Bare Si, Gadox, Fast Gadox, CSI, CdWO4, GOS & ZnSe available
Various thicknesses for high and low energy held in stock
• Same side stacked and double sided detectors
• Ribbon cable connectors on top or bottom of boards
• Small footprint detector and signal processing boards available
Product series
Pitch (mm)
Integration time (us)
Input range (volts)
Interface type
Data Sheet