X-ray Line Scanners
LINX X-ray cameras are a flexible off the shelf modular system for inspecting objects transported on a conveyor belt.

Sens-Tech supplies a range of linear X-ray sensors which use XDAS detector head and signal processing boards to provide an array of any required length.
Detector pitch can be 2.5mm, 1.6mm, 0.8mm or 0.4mm. X-rays are detected using silicon photodiodes, with a range of scintillation materials. Gadox (Gd2S2O), CsI (Tl) and CdWO4 are used to cover the X-ray energy range of 20keV to 300keV.
The LINX unit is housed in an aluminium box with additional lead screening to protect the electronic components from radiation damage. The unit has a collimator with a graphite window, so that only a narrow X-ray beam can reach the detector, reducing scattering and improving image quality.

Connection to processor
The unit can be interfaced to a processor via a:
• USB2 cable directly to the processor. In this case the maximum cable length is 5m.
• USB2 remote – requires a converter box XDAS-USB2 with a SCSI cable length up to 100M
• PCI7300A card – requires an XDAS-485A-TTL adaptor with a SCSI cable length up to 100M
• Frame Grabber card – requires an XDAS-485A-DFG adaptor with a SCSI cable length up to 100M
Control signals are transmitted to the unit via the USB2 connection or the RS232 serial port.
• detector lengths up to 2m
• detectors can be butted end to end to provide a total length up to 4m
• scan times down to 200µs can be provided by using multiple signal processing boards
• external trigger facility available to provide single scan or continuous scan
• signal to noise in excess of 20000:1
• high quality imaging
• X-ray energies from 20keV to 300keV
• materials with a wide range of densities can be X-rayed
• 16 bit data output
• low noise, high dynamic range
• 2.5mm,1.6mm, 0.8mm or 0.4mm pitch arrays
• industry standard format
• dual energy capability
• high speed data output
Users will be required to use their independent software applications to provide system control, data acquisition and image processing. To assist this task a software development kit (SDK) is available for the development of user applications. Standard software is supplied to permit basic operation and evaluation of the system. The software enables single lines of data to be acquired and stored, data acquisition time to be set and offset and gain correction to be applied.
Other lengths
Different lengths of LINX unit can be supplied. These are made up by using XDAS DH (detector head boards) which are 102.4mm long (1.6mm and 0.8mm pitch) or 51.2mm long (0.4mm pitch) and signal processing boards.
Power supply requirements
6V to 9V, current depends on number of boards
Environmental specification
temperature (operating) +5 to +50 °C
humidity (non-condensing) 93 % at 30 ºC
pressure for transportation can
withstand pressure reductions from 100kPa (1 bar) to 68kPA (0.68 bar)