Multichannel Supplies
HVSys provides individual channel control and monitoring of the high voltage power supply of each channel, using only 3 wires.

A unique feature is that HV is generated on the base of the photomultiplier, avoiding the inconvenience and problems associated with high voltage distribution.
All that is required is a +12V supply with sufficient current capability for the number of channels chosen; the supply current required is less than 25 mA per channel.
The system is controlled by a PC with a PCI card and RS485 interface, operating under Windows® 98/NT/XP. The PC performs independent setting and monitoring protocols for voltage, current, and temperature. HV is supplied by individual power bases, of the PSM series, mounted directly on the base of each photomultiplier.
The PSM series can provide up to 1800 V with either +HV or –HV as specified at the time of ordering. The power bases use an active voltage divider providing high linear output current with minimum power consumption. The system can be further expanded using additional RS485 cards. Optional temperature monitoring may be used for feedback control or as a safety feature in the event of signal overload.

The PSA-03 is designed to drive an array of photomultipliers which can be computer controlled to set the voltage of each tube and provide real-time monitoring of voltage and current. Each PSA-03 has 20 channels and can be daisy-chained with other PSA-03 units to support a very large array of photomultipliers. Ancillary signals such as temperature can also be monitored if required.
• Compact size (44mm H x 428mm W x 222mm D)
• High efficiency, low loss
• Highly stable output
• Computer controlled or stand alone mode
• Real-time voltage and current monitoring of HV outputs
• Fast shutdown
• Status indicators showing power on, HV on and data activity
• Can be daisy chained with other PSA-03 units
• Fast set up time
• Real-time monitoring
• Additional channels can be retro fitted to cater for expansion
• Ability to monitor ancillary signals